was found safe for use.
Responders included Morris County Hazmat, Parsippany Fire Districts 1 and 5, Parsippany and St. Clare’s EMS, and the health department. Although police blocked off a portion of the area for the response, they said that the surrounding community was not in danger or at risk of exposure.
While the exact details of the pump malfunction were not disclosed, accidental chlorine gas emissions are common when there is no electrical interlock between the chemical feed system and the pump. The pool pump may stop while the chemical feed equipment continues to add chlorinebased disinfectant and acid into the line, that react to form chlorine gas. When the pump re-starts, this gas is released into the pool area endangering any swimmers or those nearby.
Please see accompanying stories from the Pool and Hot Tub Alliance on Electrical Interlock Protection to prevent this kind of accident.