Jet Line Products, Inc., of Kearny, N. J., a thirdgeneration family business providing swimming pool equipment, chemicals and supplies to customers in the Northeast, Texas, South Florida and the Caribbean, has been sold to POOLCORP
® , of Covington, La., the largest distributor of swimming pool supplies nationwide.
According to Warren Feder, a partner at Carl Marks Advisors, the firm that structured the deal, “This sale will provide the family owners will with substantial liquidity while adding new products and business lines for Jet Line’s long-time customers. Moreover, the third generation family members who were driving the growth of the business – Andy Levinson, Josh Epstein and Brett Epstein – have joined Pool Corp in executive capacities, bringing their talent and in-depth knowledge of the industry to their new partner.”
Feder added that despite COVID-19, “the summer season set records in the pool supply distribution industry as families decreased their travel and invested more in home-based recreational activities.
“While Pool Corporation had expressed interest in acquiring the business before the pandemic hit, Jet Line’s strong performance throughout the negotiations helped facilitate a successful sale.”
For more information, contact POOLCORP, Dept. SI, 109 Northpark Blvd., Covington, LA 70433. Telephone 985-892-5521. Visit the company online at