The 2020 version also clarifies confusion regarding “field-built sumps” by addressing who will approve them and how they should be designed.
Finally, the language regarding suction outlets and the way they are required as to number and orientations has been modified.
This change was made to approve certain methods that should be allowed. New diagrams have been added to the 2020 version to clarify the content of the standard.
According to Kris Bridges, International Code Council Board Member and Chair of the PHTA Standards Consensus Committee (SCC), the updated standard is referenced in the 2021 International Swimming Pool & Spa Code, which further enhances aquatic safety for jurisdictions around the world.”
Purchase a copy of the ANSI/PHTA/ ICC-7 2020American National Standard for Suction Entrapment Avoidance in Swimming Pools, Wading Pools, Spas, Hot Tubs, and Catch Basins at https:// productid/20-315-pdf-2020.
For more information, contact the Standards Department at or call 703-838-0083.