The updates to VGBA went into effect on June 20, 2021. What does that mean for you? Any products you already have on hand or in stock can still be used. You don’t have to toss any old product. There will be a transition period where products manufactured before the changeover date are still shipping.
You can check the drain markings and instructions that come with each product to confirm with which standard the drain complies with. If a drain is marked as conforming to ANSI/APSP/ICC-16 2017, then you should check the flow requirements for that drain.
Here’s a quick summary of what you need to do at every pool install now that the new rules are in effect: 1. Double-check the flow ratings 2. Use screw/ fas tener torque requirements 3. Post the drain info on site and make a copy for your customer 4. Follow field-built sump guidelines, where applicable VGBA standards are a great resource that protects swimmers and gives pool pros peace of mind. The last thing you want when installing a pool is to leave the possibility the drains may pose a danger.
By following these simple guidelines and checking each drain you install, you can be sure every pool is safe.