The holiday season often is filled with fun and laughter with friends and family. It is a time to come together and celebrate. Accidents can and still do happen during the holiday season. It’s important to keep water safety in mind with all of the hustle and bustle going on. You can still take additional precautions to keep your friends, family, guests, and even your pets as safe as you can during the holiday season. As a pool service professional, you can continue to share this important information with your clients.
The Risks: A Year-Round Concern
The holiday season is synonymous with relaxation and fun, and it can be a time when water safety can be overlooked.
With all of the excitement of the holiday festivities, it’s easy for parents and guardians to get distracted, which increases the risk of accidents. There are often an influx of guests, which can add to the amount of distractions.
As a pool service professional, you play a crucial role in promoting water safety. Your job goes beyond pool maintenance; it includes educating your clients about risks and offering preventative measures. This holiday season, you can make a difference by sharing some essential water safety tips with your clients: ● Make a quick list of local emergency numbers to keep on hand, and make copies for friends and family that are visiting. Keep this information handy in a place that all people can access easily. ● Child safety should be delegated to someone who can actively supervise them without distractions. Hosts need to learn to “pass the baton” and make sure there is always someone watching the kids.
● Walk your guests through your home and property, and point out the layers of protection in place, explaining what to look for to ensure everyone is safe.
● If you have open water areas on your property, set the rules for where kids can go without an adult, and be sure everyone is aware of them.
● Designated watchers can play games to keep kids busy and occupied. Find fun ways to distract them so they don’t go out and seek entertainment on their own.
● Make an action plan to get through an emergency that details who you will call and where you will go.
● If the worst situation happens, be ready by knowing exactly where you are and where the nearest hospital is. Try to stay calm during the emergency. Call 911 and listen attentively to any instructions the operator might give you.
● Learn CPR and ensure other family members and guests have this life-saving skill.
● Swimming lessons can and should continue even during the winter months to continue to practice swimming skills.
● Keep rescue equipment handy such as life rings and reaching poles close to the pool.
A Collective Effort
You can help share this information with your clients, and by doing so, you are showing them that you take safety seriously. You can customize these recommendations to fit your clientele. You can find free and easily accessible handouts to share with your clients on NDPA’s website.
By sharing these water safety tips, you can help ensure that the holiday season remains a joyous and safe time for everyone. Let your expertise make a positive difference in your communities this festive season.
Water Safety Tips