Florida has one of the country’s most viable and visible pool industries. This means we need an all-encompassing association poised to empower its members with the tools to both enhance and enrich the pool and spa industry.
Membership in the Florida Swimming Pool Association (FSPA) is not a one-size-fits-all opportunity — it is a wide array of action, spanning from a customer’s backyard all the way to the legislative halls in Tallahassee.
Our members come from all areas of the industry, including building, manufacturing, service and maintenance, financing, and more. We don’t think of our members as just members — they are our partners in making the pool and spa industry a robust and engaging profession across our state.
There are many tangible benefits that come with being an FSPA member, including:
• FREE Continuing Education credit courses and discounts on specialty courses.
• Pre-licensure certifications.
• 5-Star Impressions & Insurance programs.
• Arbitration program.
• Discount cards for prescriptions, office supplies, and more.
• Safety Data Sheets/Emergency Support.
• Chapter networking.
• Scholarship access
• Advertising and sponsorship opportunities.
Engage Your Employees with FSPA Membership
When a company joins the FSPA, the membership extends to every employee. That means that all staff members can participate in FSPA chapter events, state events, and educational opportunities. This also allows your full team to attend the annual Everything Under the Sun Expo at the lowest price, which includes FREE continuing education courses exclusively for members.
Participate in Industry Advocacy Efforts
The FSPA Government Affairs team works on behalf of the members and their businesses each and every day. Whether you engage in any of the numerous councils and committees that come together to advocate for our industry, FSPA has boots on the ground in Tallahassee, as well as regionally across the state, with legislators, governing entities, building officials, and the Department of Health.
In 2022 alone, all 15 of the FSPAsupported candidates were either elected or re-elected to their office positions.
FSPA invites members to join the pool industry advocacy movement by participating in our series of committees and councils. These sub-entities have been specifically formed to target key areas and identify improvements needed to better the industry as a whole. Our current councils and committees include: Commercial Council, Service Council, Builders Council, Government Relations Committee, Manufacturers and Distributors Council, Retail Council, Education Committee, Finance Committee, Safety and Consumer Awareness Council, and many more. Members are encouraged to find their fit and have a seat at the table for any of these conversations that interest them.
Give Back by Giving Time
FSPA membership also provides multiple outlets for giving back, both to the community and to the industry. Our members have engaged with our Florida Swims Foundation’s High School Invitational Swim Meet, assisted with education and other FSPA-run activities at the annual Expo, and even attended tabletop and other trade show events as representatives on our behalf. There are also volunteer opportunities at the local level, serving 15 regional chapters across the state. We welcome any and all volunteers interested in lending a hand to these events.
As part of FSPA, it is up to you to decide how you want to enhance and enrich your professional and personal life through chapter events, statewide meetings, and more. .All pool industry members have a place in FSPA and should join to start their journey today. Learn more at online JoinFSPA.com or e-mail