Zeolite of McKinney, Texas offers ZeoFiber, a natural, safe, biodegradable filter aid used in sand cartridge filters.
ZeoFiber is a blend of natural cellulose fibers that replaces diatomaceous earth, or D.E. One pound of ZeoFiber replaces eight pounds of D.E.
ZeoFiber is an environmentally safe alternative to D.E. for use in all pools and spas. ZeoFiber is 100% pure cellulose fiber that filters down to 2-4 microns and gives water a clearer, more polished look.
NSF/ANSI Standard 50 certification testing showed that 3 pounds of ZeoFiber is equivalent to more than 25 pounds of DE. Less ZeoFiber was needed to charge the filter than DE, and the smaller ZeoFiber filter charge lasted longer.
For longer cartridge life and finer filtration, add ZeoFiber as a filter aid to your cartridge filter. Dirty cartridges are easier to clean when ZeoFiber is used. improved.
For more information, contact Zeolite Products and Technology, 2104 Augusta, McKinney, TX 75070. Phone 972-542-0053. Visit the company online at www.zeoinc.com.